BRASWELL: Remembering mothers

By Dr. Jimmy Braswell

Chaplain, Home Hospice of Odessa

As we approach Mother’s Day 2023 on May 14 let’s consider their significance.

According to psychology, mothers instill a sense of HOPE into their children — The Balance of Grace with Law.

How often have you seen a situation where a mother would not abandon her child but gracefully forgive every situation.

Like many others, I lost my mother in death while still a child. I recall the sense of hopelessness and insignificance that remained. It influenced my entire life, such that my decision to become a minister and help to instill hope in others through the forgiveness and Grace of Jesus Christ, is a hope that cannot be lost but is eternal.

How fortunate you are this month if you are a Christian and still have your mother. Both instill a sense of Hope Eternal and significance to your life.

Thank God for His grace and hope through the Lord Jesus, but thank your mother this month for instilling into you a sense of meaning and significance as her child. Thank your mothers for always loving and believing in us and, thank you Lord Jesus for the Hope Eternal we have as well.