Crane Avenue reconstruction starts soon

South Crane Avenue and West Clements Street (Courtesy Photo)

Crane Avenue will be undergoing reconstruction from West Second Street to West Pool Road starting July 8.

The project will cover Crane Avenue paving and utility improvements.

The contractor is Reece Albert Inc. and the project cost is $10,916,978.02. The project is expected to take 300 working days with substantial completion by September 2025.

For more information, contact the City of Odessa Engineering at (432) 335-3242.

The project will consist of full depth reconstruction of Crane Avenue, the installation of 5” Type B Base Hot Mix and 3” Type D Hot Mix.


  • Removal and replacement of plan specified sidewalks, valley gutters, and curb and gutters.
  • Removal and replacement of roughly 5,412 linear feet of water main lines.
  • Removal and replacement of 10 fire hydrants.
  • Installation of 61 new main line valves.
  • Removal and replacement of 20 manholes.