GOOD NEWS: Chancellor selected as distinguished administrator

MIDLAND Last fall, the Midland College Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society nominated Renee Aldrin as a Phi Theta Kappa Distinguished Administrator. Aldrin is the chancellor of Early College High School at Midland College. On Feb. 7, PTK International President and CEO Lynn Tincher-Ladner notified Aldrin that she had been selected for this prestigious honor.

The award is given to administrators who have shown outstanding support of student success and who work to mentor and develop student leaders.

“Racial and political unrest, and a global pandemic made 2021 one of the most challenging years in recent history—one that Ms. Aldrin worked exceptionally hard to overcome,” Tincher-Ladner wrote in a letter. “Her nomination is evidence of the gratitude that the Midland College PTK students feel for her support—even during the most difficult times.”

Phi Theta Kappa is the oldest, largest and most prestigious honor society servicing two-year colleges around the world. Membership is based on superior academic achievements and is conferred only by invitation to students who have a minimum 3.5 grade point average. The international organization is composed of over 1,400 chapters. “Many of our student leaders are members of PTK, and many PTK members are ECHS@MC students,” Steve Thomas, MC President said. “Renee does a wonderful job to foster student academic success and leadership skills. She is also a great role model for students and is very deserving of this special recognition.”