County bringing lawsuit against opioid companies

Ector County will be joining a long list of Texas counties bringing forth lawsuits against various pharmaceutical companies manufacturing or supplying opioid drugs.Opioids, which...

STONE: Drug abuse isn’t confined to prescription or illicit drugs

Looking in your medicine cabinet at home, what would you find? Most likely a bottle of Tylenol, perhaps some ibuprofen. Maybe antihistamines, such as...

HEALTH BRIEFS: Week of Feb. 12

To submit a health brief, e-mail submissions to [email protected]. Entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday for consideration for the following Monday’s edition.ORMC sets AngioScreen...

MCH, ORMC still have to work around IV fluid shortage

Medical Center Hospital and Odessa Regional Medical Center still have to work around a shortage of IV bags that occurred after Hurricane Maria in...

STONE: Together we can fight opioid problem

Aside from being known celebrities, Heath Ledger, Prince, Chris Farley, Paul Gray and Tom Petty also had something else in common. Each died far...

HEALTH BRIEFS: Week of Feb. 5

To submit a health brief, e-mail submissions to [email protected]. Entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday for consideration for the following Monday’s edition.ORMC sets AngioScreen...

HEALTH BRIEFS: Week of Jan. 29

To submit a health brief, e-mail submissions to [email protected]. Entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday for consideration for the following Monday’s edition.ORMC sets AngioScreen...

STONE: Health is not defined by how much you weigh

It’s the fifth week into a new year, most likely meaning several good-intentioned resolutionists have abandoned their gym-conquering optimism only to fall back into...

STONE: Catch more Z’s for better immunity

Between the echoes of coughs, sniffles and sneezes throughout our offices, homes and schools and the bombardment of patients in area clinics and hospitals...

HEALTH BRIEFS: Week of Jan. 22

To submit a health brief, e-mail submissions to [email protected]. Entry deadline is 5 p.m. Tuesday for consideration for the following Monday’s edition.Volunteer training sessionMIDLAND...