White leads Monahans churchNew Mexico native changed careers in mid-life

MONAHANS The Rev. Stephen “Steve” White was a computer scientist for many years for IBM and Microsoft and now, as pastor of the First...

Apostle Mark known for clarityFounder of the Church of Alexandria learned from Barnabas and...

The Apostle Mark, also known as Mark the Evangelist, was a passionate man whose message was powerful enough to establish the first Christian church...

Rev. Archie’s faith survives trialsSnyder native grew up in Midland church and has been...

The Rev. James Archie grew up going to a church pastored by his father, the late Rev. O.J. Archie, and he has been preaching...

Church News January 15, 2022

The Odessa American welcomes church special events. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays for consideration for the following Saturday’s edition. Email [email protected]. Belmont Baptist Church,...

Barnabas boosted First Century churchGreek-speaking native of Cyprus a key helper of the Apostle...

In one of the Bible’s most emphatic declarations of approval, Acts 11:24 describes Barnabas as “a good man full of the Holy Spirit and...

COLEMAN: God with us

On Saturday the 26th, the day this article will be published, I will be preaching a funeral for a woman who died from complications...

Normal 2021 is fondest hopeOnce-routine things have gained value in the past year, ministers...

Far from a bevy of ambitious resolutions, the most logical hope for 2021 is a return to normality, ministers say. ...

DAWNINGS: A faith response to this historic momentThe Rev. Dawn Weaks is the co-pastor...

This week, our nation will honor the birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and inaugurate Joseph R. Biden as our new...

Profundity of Christmas examinedMinisters say holiday should be a time for family, gratitude

Christmas is a combination of so many things that the totality of it may be hard to grasp. ...

Villatoro: Last-minute shopping

Do you feel like every year it’s the same thing about shopping at the last minute? ...