DAWNINGS: A faith response to this historic momentThe Rev. Dawn Weaks is the co-pastor...

This week, our nation will honor the birthday of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and inaugurate Joseph R. Biden as our new...

Profundity of Christmas examinedMinisters say holiday should be a time for family, gratitude

Christmas is a combination of so many things that the totality of it may be hard to grasp. ...

Villatoro: Last-minute shopping

Do you feel like every year it’s the same thing about shopping at the last minute? ...

Reverend: Take care of people

A prayer vigil tonight at an Odessa park will urge Odessans to “start with love” and to use voices and votes to champion those...

The Rev. Archie directs rebuilt church

Destroyed by an air conditioning system fire almost four years ago to the day, the rebuilt Rose of Sharon Missionary Baptist Church will burn...

NUGGETS: Walk in Him

By Jannie Linney“As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him”. The Word of God teaches us that this...

Kyker guides church, shelter

The Rev. Donny Kyker once had no sympathy for the downtrodden, but that changed as he garnered the insight that led to his pastorate...

VBS prayer walk

Iglesia Bautista Jerusalem, 1449 S. Sam Houston Ave., has scheduled a Vacation Bible School prayer walk from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday.

Churches get new locations

Two Odessa churches are doing a “church swap.”Last fall the Rev. Robert Thayer’s Odessa Bible Church had secured new quarters in the old AT&T...

Mormon leader touts missions

As president of the regional Odessa Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Christopher Steven “Chris” Vore says the crux of...