Daniel’s faith commendedSixth Century B.C. prophet described as having an unshakable commitment to God

The Old Testament story of the prophet Daniel proves that one’s commitment to God can be kept in the face of hostile circumstances, ministers...

Braswell: Encounter with Jesus

When I was in seminary and about to graduate, a friend of mine shared a calling from God to go to inner-city Chicago to...

COPELAND: Looking for Mr. Goodchurch

“… but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.” I Thessalonians 5:15b (NIV)Where can a good church...

DAWNINGS: Developing your theology of violenceThe Rev. Dawn Weaks is the co-pastor of Connection...

We hear about so much violence in our world that we are tempted to say it is worse than ever. I’m not sure that...

John the Baptist consideredProphet who announced Jesus’s advent was a Nazirite

John the Baptist was an unusual man with a unique role in history that he continues today in pointing people toward Jesus Christ as...

NUGGETS: To Live Is Christ

For me to Live is Christ and to die is gain”. If We as Christians could get hold of that one verse, our life...

Expert lays out case centered on Holocaust denial in schools

When I first set out to research how the Holocaust was being depicted in textbooks in New Jersey’s public schools, my hope was to...

NUGGETS: The Kingdom

When we are “Born Again”, we enter the Kingdom of God, we just don’t know what to do with it. As we study, not...

Music minister a busy composerClassically schooled violinist clocks 31 years at OCFC

Immersed in music from his earliest memories, Lowell Lynn Hohstadt has followed that love to the highest levels while his pursuit led him to...

DAWNINGS: God’s Word about the Treatment of ImmigrantsThe Rev. Dawn Weaks is the co-pastor...

News outlets continue to report the inhumane conditions children are living in while in our government’s custody at the border. The situation is very...