GUEST VIEW: ‘I am fearfully, wonderfully made’ – The Unborn

By Bishop Michael Pfeifer, OMI Each precious unborn in the mother’s womb proclaims through the Holy Spirit of God, “I give you thanks that I...

Church News July 16, 2022

The Odessa American welcomes church special events. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays for consideration for the following Saturday’s edition. Email [email protected]. Vine Baptist Church,...

Rev. Coke started Rock Church Odessa

The Rev. Ty Coke has lived on the dark side of life and a big part of his ministry at The Rock Church Odessa...

Church News July 9, 2022

The Odessa American welcomes church special events. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays for consideration for the following Saturday’s edition. Email [email protected]. Odessa First Assembly...

Stephen remembered as exemplar of truth

The stoning of Stephen, a deacon in the first Christian church in Jerusalem and the first Christian martyr, in Acts 6 and 7 is...

Church News July 2, 2022

The Odessa American welcomes church special events. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays for consideration for the following Saturday’s edition. Email [email protected]. Odessa First Assembly...

First Priority takes God into schools

In an age with a multiplicity of minute-by-minute appeals for teenagers’ attention, many of them unsavory, their first priority should be a relationship with...

Church News June 25, 2022

The Odessa American welcomes church special events. Submission deadline is 5 p.m. Wednesdays for consideration for the following Saturday’s edition. Email [email protected]. Knights of Columbus...

Elisha succeeded with great obedience and faith

Living in the mid- to late Ninth Century B.C., the prophet Elisha succeeded his mentor Elijah to perform many miracles including healing the sick,...

VILLATORO: Consider how you present complaints

By Rev. Gian Carlo Villatoro Founding Pastor, Victory Church Odessa Gian, tell me: Should I complain for NO WATER in Odessa last week? Joseph C. Dear Joseph:...