GUEST VIEW: An empty mustard bottle

By Van Yandell John 6:12 “When they were filled, He said to His disciples, “Gather up the leftover fragments so that nothing will be lost.” Occasionally...

DAWNINGS: August now tinged with remembering

By Rev. Dr. Dawn Weaks  Pastor, Connection Christian Church  August has long been a favorite month for me, despite the heat. It’s my birthday month for...

NUGGETS: Lukewarm

By Jannie Linney  In the letters to the church of Laodiceans in the book of Revelation, the Lord spoke, “I know your works, that you...

HOLLAND: Birds of a feather flock together

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C.ED.D Ordained/Licensed Christian minister  There is a huge difference between personal transformation and just talking and wishing. We can counsel, advise, pray,...

COLEMAN: Vacation Bible School

By Landon Coleman Pastor, Immanuel At Immanuel, one of the casualties of the 2020 COVID year was Vacation Bible School - aka, VBS. Like most churches,...

GIAN, TELL ME: Who is the anti-Christ?

By Rev. Gian Carlo Villatoro Founding Pastor, Victory Church Odessa Who is the anti-Christ? Daniel W. Dear Daniel: When we read the Scripture, things become clear. “You have...

GUEST VIEW: Is there a doctor in the house?

By Van Yandell Revelation 20:10, “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the...

GUEST VIEW: Pastors For Children decries Supreme Court decision on Maine schools

By Rev. Charles Foster Johnson Pastors for Texas Children decries the decision by the United States Supreme Court to allow Maine tax dollars to underwrite...

HOLLAND: Whose report will we believe?

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C.ED.D Ordained/Licensed Christian minister  Whatever we are concerned about today, faith and discernment are key components of our prayers. Without spiritual sensitivity,...

NUGGETS: Deeper and higher

By Jannie Linney  God has always called us into a deeper walk with Him. Now with wars and rumors of wars, terrorist and this unsettled...