DAWNINGS: A Christian ethic for public schools

It’s that time again, when we need to remember to slow down in school zones, because school is starting! At our congregation and many...

BRASWELL: Remembering

By Dr. Jimmy Braswell Chaplain, Home Hospice of Odessa Loss, a part of all our lives. We have physical loss, emotional, spiritual losses and often we...

HOLLAND: Being honest with God and ourselves

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C. ED.D. Ordained/Licensed Christian minister In the field of psychology, cognitive dissonance is the perception of contradictory information and the...

NUGGETS: Fixed for life

By Jannie Linney “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and...

HOLLAND: Darkness can never overcome God’s light

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C. ED.D. Ordained/Licensed Christian minister There is a lot of talk today about the reality of a global system of...

NUGGETS: Are you sure?

By Jannie Linney Something happened at the nursing home recently that we can learn a lesson from. Basically, that no matter how strongly we believe...

VILLATORO: Suggestions for when you are hurting

By Rev. Gian Carlo Villatoro Founding Pastor, Victory Church Odessa You can be hurting emotionally, physically, financially, etc. Of course, you want a quick solution. Unfortunately,...

HOLLAND: Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

By William F. Holland Jr., DD., C. ED.D. Ordained/Licensed Christian minister Humans have always wanted to be happy. It’s the reason and purpose that people live....

BRASWELL: Real freedom

By Dr. Jimmy Braswell Chaplain, Home Hospice of Odessa From the everyday coffee shops and doughnut houses across America to the church parking lots on Sundays...

NUGGETS: God doesn’t grade on a curve

By Jannie Linney I was reading the account in the Bible about Lazarus and the rich man . How Lazarus, who was a beggar, laid...