Rev. Archie’s faith survives trialsSnyder native grew up in Midland church and has been...

The Rev. James Archie grew up going to a church pastored by his father, the late Rev. O.J. Archie, and he has been preaching...

Barnabas boosted First Century churchGreek-speaking native of Cyprus a key helper of the Apostle...

In one of the Bible’s most emphatic declarations of approval, Acts 11:24 describes Barnabas as “a good man full of the Holy Spirit and...

Good luck food for the New Year

Most of us are probably pretty excited to welcome in a new year. And many of us will probably even eat our black-eyed peas...

CATES: Healthcare advances in difficult year

I always like the “year in review” specials and the like that come out the week between Christmas and New Year’s. The years always...

STONE: New Year, new you!

It’s time to put the year 2020 in our rearview mirror. A new year brings a fresh start, a re-boot if you will, to...

MASTER GARDENERS: Moon gardens can be seen at night creating a unique experience

Once popular, white gardens or moon gardens seem to have lost their appeal. Perhaps because we spend more time inside than decades ago. ...

GARDENING: How to reuse your Christmas tree

Now that the holidays are over you may be trying to think of a sustainable way to discard your Christmas tree (if you purchased...

COLEMAN: God with us

On Saturday the 26th, the day this article will be published, I will be preaching a funeral for a woman who died from complications...

Normal 2021 is fondest hopeOnce-routine things have gained value in the past year, ministers...

Far from a bevy of ambitious resolutions, the most logical hope for 2021 is a return to normality, ministers say. ...

CATES: The COVID vaccination

I have been asked quite a bit in the last week or so about the COVID-19 vaccination and “should I take it.” That is...