NATIONAL VIEW: The Supreme Court trumps Jack Smith

You can’t say the current Supreme Court lacks courage. The safe political play for the Justices would have been to dodge the issue of...

NATIONAL VIEW: Supreme Court makes the right call keeping Trump on the ballot

No, there is no one weird trick to keep former President Donald Trump off the ballot and out of the White House. That is...

NATIONAL VIEW: Biden’s student loan boast: The Supreme Court ‘didn’t stop me’

American Presidents may not like Supreme Court decisions, but most since Andrew Jackson haven’t bragged about defying its rulings. Not even Donald Trump. Then...

NATIONAL VIEW: The never-ending wealth-tax campaign

Wealth taxes are like a specter in search of a host, and an already overtaxed New England state may be the first to succumb....

NATIONAL VIEW: Federal prisons have a suicide crisis

Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide and mob boss Whitey Bulger’s murder both made headlines as shocking failures of the federal prison system. But...

NATIONAL VIEW: CBO shows the US is paddling toward the fiscal falls

The Congressional Budget Office rudely interrupted the presidential campaign recently by releasing its 10-year budget outlook. Neither Joe Biden nor Donald Trump wants to...

NATIONAL VIEW: Congress, don’t touch that AM radio dial — at least not yet

Contrary to the popular refrain, video never really did kill the radio star. Electric vehicles, however, might do the job. The question is whether...

NATIONAL VIEW: Trump’s nomination is becoming an inevitability

With Donald Trump’s decisive victory in the New Hampshire Republican primary, the possibility of anyone else securing the party’s presidential nomination is vanishingly small....

NATIONAL VIEW: Gaza is shattered. Here’s how to ease the suffering — and offer...

Secretary of State Antony Blinken landed in Israel last week bearing a message for the country’s leaders only an American diplomat could deliver with...

NATIONAL VIEW: A modified, limited good jobs report

It’s an election year, so every economic report is going to be filtered through the lens of political benefit. President Biden thus celebrated last...