NATIONAL VIEW: Is this the beginning of the end for Roe vs. Wade

For the nearly five decades since the U.S. Supreme Court decided that a woman has a constitutional right to an abortion, that right has...

NATIONAL VIEW: Restaurant recovery should be on front burner

The end of America’s coronavirus nightmare is within reach. Venues are getting ready for live acts and capacity crowds, mask mandates are lifting and many...

NATIONAL VIEW: Department of Energy needs to make cybersecurity a top priority

No wonder Joe Biden picked former Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm as Secretary of Energy — they’re cut from the same green cloth. Not only is...

NATIONAL VIEW: Rick Santorum needs a lesson on Native American history

Dear CNN commentator Rick Santorum, In recent televised comments you said that “there isn’t much Native American culture in American culture,” implying that Christian European...

NATIONAL VIEW: Heaven help us if court upholds DeSantis’ assault on free speech

Of all the bills rammed through by the Florida Legislature this session — sometimes revived late at night and then quickly passed by GOP...

NATIONAL VIEW: Sacramento’s litany of mostly ineffective, nonsensical gun bills

Gun-control supporters often propose what they describe as “common sense” gun laws. It’s their latest mantra, but a host of new California firearms proposals makes...

NATIONAL VIEW: Fracking jobs will disappear, Pennsylvania has to manage the decline

The natural gas industry in Pennsylvania is worried about its future — and rightfully so. During last month’s virtual global climate summit, President Joe Biden...

NATIONAL VIEW: Push Congress to enact these sensible gun reform measures

For more years than it is comfortable to count, the National Rifle Association and its abettors in Washington have forestalled even the most sensible...

NATIONAL VIEW: Biden’s plan isn’t radical

Three times already in his brief tenure, President Biden has rolled out a far-reaching and extraordinarily expensive proposal to address large-scale problems in this...

NATIONAL VIEW: The other video that sheds light on Adam Toledo’s life

Chicago is a city in mourning. A city fractured. And yet body camera footage from the March 29 shooting death of Adam Toledo binds...