TEXAS VIEW: Wealth-based bail system needs to change

By The Dallas Morning NewsEfforts to reform Dallas County’s maligned money bail system are at a critical juncture. It’s no longer a question of...

TEXAS VIEW: Kitchen missing the mark

By Austin American-StatesmanWe applaud Austin City Council Member Ann Kitchen for recognizing a gap in serving people who are homeless in her South Austin...

TEXAS VIEW: Don’t dilute the Census

By The MonitorWhile the number of undocumented people living in the United States is often debated and needs to be better quantified, getting that...

GUEST VIEW: Speak up through advocacy

By Rhea Landholm, [email protected], Center for Rural AffairsState and national policy directly impact how we live. With state legislative sessions in full swing, how...

TEXAS VIEW: Start planning to vote in primary elections

By The Brownsville HeraldBelieve it or not, it’s political season again.People have one week — until Feb. 5 — to register to vote in...

GUEST VIEW: The flu bug — Don’t touch porn stars, celebrities or politicians

By Glenn MolletteWhere have people’s hands been? When you shake hands with someone at church, the grocery store or a restaurant what kind of...

TEXAS VIEW: Help moms with maternal health

By The Houston ChronicleWhat makes Texas famous? Ranches? Oil? Breakfast tacos?These days, the question worth asking is what makes Texas infamous. The Lone Star...

TEXAS VIEW: Local tax rates should be determined by local voters, not the state

By The Dallas Morning NewsGov. Greg Abbott will ask the Legislature to pass a property tax reform plan that would cap revenue growth in...

GUEST VIEW: Why FBI’s missing texts is worse than Watergate

By Richard ManningRichard Nixon’s secretary Rose Mary Woods erased 18 minutes of tape recording of the president and became infamous in1972. The FBI failed...

THE IDLE AMERICAN: Words fail in New Orleans…

“Words failed us” — accompanied by a smiley face — provided a touch of grim humor on the front door of a bookstore when...