ESTRICH: Federalism is impeding legal marijuana

Federalism, anyone?For most of the 20th century, “federalism” was the cry of conservatives battling growing federal power that came, constitutionally at least, at the...

WILLIAMS: Constitutional ignorance — Perhaps contempt

Hillary Clinton blamed the Electoral College for her stunning defeat in the 2016 presidential election in her latest memoirs, “What Happened?” Some have claimed...

HART: A week in the life of a ‘very stable genius’

People can often “misunderestimate” just how hard it is to be a “very stable genius” all the time. So it is with Trump, battling...

A SHARP LIFE: Winter is a sprint in Texas

I don’t like cold weather. I’d take 102 degrees over 22 degrees any day.This is one of the issues which my wife and I...

CHAREN: Sofia Vergara, Frozen Embryos and Forced Procreation

The Supreme Court of Colorado will soon rule on whether a person has a constitutional right to not procreate. The dispute is between Drake...

SULLUM: Federalists can’t support a cannabis crackdown

Before last Jan. 4, state-licensed marijuana merchants operated in a highly uncertain legal environment, subject to the whims of federal prosecutors who could at...

CHAPMAN: Trump’s brazen hypocrisy on human rights in Iran

As protesters march in Iran, the U.S. government has emerged as a brave champion of human rights. “The great Iranian people have been repressed...

WILLIAMS: Dirty college secrets

A frequent point I have made in past columns has been about the educational travesty happening on many college campuses. Some people have labeled...

HART: Laud, Laud, the Celebrity Award Season Begins

Seth Meyers personified the predictably smug and self-congratulatory Golden Globes Awards Sunday. The Golden Globes ceremony is the January ritual that kicks off the...

A SHARP LIFE: Quality time in the family car

Nothing makes you feel younger than raising small humans. Also, nothing makes you feel older than raising small humans. Allow me to explain.Our family...