SULLUM: E-cigarettes can be lifesavers

Recently the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine weighed in on the question of whether e-cigarettes are a public health menace or a...

CHAPMAN: The trouble with Medicaid work requirements

Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, acting out of an abundance of compassion, is doing a favor to people on Medicaid: forcing them to work or...

ESTRICH: Has ‘Me Too’ gone too far?

Has “Me Too” gone too far?No.We have miles to go before we sleep.I know: There is a difference between a violent rape and a...

WILLIAMS: We don’t need bad law

President Donald Trump said, “We are going to take a strong look at our country’s libel laws so that when somebody says something that...

HART: Next on Trump’s agenda: Address the educrats’ college monopoly

Because it is largely government-funded, higher education has become an overpriced failure full of left-leaning political cronies. Bloated colleges with tenured professors who seek...

A SHARP LIFE: Lego marks 60 years, still a pain in the foot

Today, is the 60th anniversary of the patents of one of the greatest toys in history. Coincidentally, it is also one of the most...

A SHARP LIFE: Lego hits 60, still pain in the foot

Today, is the 60th anniversary of the patents of one of the greatest toys in history. Coincidentally, it is also one of the most...

SULLUM: Stop warrantless snooping on Americans

During the course of two hours last Jan. 11, Donald Trump offered two diametrically opposed takes on a surveillance bill making its way through...

CHAREN: What is the real message of #MeToo?

The feminist website Babe published an account of a date gone bad. The pushback has been swift and sharp. I share some of the...

ELDER: Under the new Trump standard, why wasn’t Obama impeached?

In the era of President Donald Trump, Democrats think presidents should be impeached over policy differences.In Trump’s case, the Democrats accuse him of winning...