SULLUM: Poland’s Holocaust bill is a hate speech ban

In Poland, as in several other European countries, it is a crime to deny the Holocaust. Soon, thanks to a bill that was approved...

CHAREN: Our capacity to understand a complicated world is limited

Early in George W. Bush’s first term, I was dining with a friend who didn’t agree with my worldview. He challenged my certitude, allowing...

CHAPMAN: Presidents have only modest control over the economy

Amid all the uncertainty about Donald Trump’s presidency, his admirers are sure of one thing: The economy is booming, and it’s because of him....

ESTRICH: The swamp overflows

On Jan. 19 at midnight, the swamp overflowed. Donald Trump was supposed to drain it. Instead he’s right in the middle, a heavyweight in...

WILLIAMS: Immigration lies and hypocrisy

President Donald Trump reportedly asked why the U.S. is “having all these people from shithole countries come here.” I think he could have used...

HART: State of the Disunion ‘Americans are Dreamers too’

During the Obama years, the State of the Union address was a divisive and arrogantly partisan lecture by a smooth-talking president. He lectured Supreme...

A SHARP LIFE: Flying the not so friendly skies

In January our family participated in one of the American family’s time-honored traditions – we went on vacation. Not only did we go on...

ELDER: The great s—-hole hypocrisy

Breaking news: President Donald Trump uses profanity.When Trump’s apparent use of the word “s—-hole” makes headlines, one cannot help but recall the analysis of...

CHAREN: The conspiracy mindset in American politics

I am old enough to remember when conspiracy theories were primarily the province of the left.In the 1990s, the San Jose Mercury News ran...

SULLUM: E-cigarettes can be lifesavers

Recently the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine weighed in on the question of whether e-cigarettes are a public health menace or a...