HART: When ‘Deep State’ swamp rats fight — corruption shows

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch shopped for a soft interview to pre-emptively rebut former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming book. When “Deep State” swamp...

A SHARP LIFE: Ball meltdowns a thing of the past?

This past week the Sharp Six took in our first minor league baseball game of the year. What follows is an abbreviated diary of...

CHAREN: When $63 million doesn’t buy working toilets

When 450 students arrived at Anacostia High School in the District of Columbia’s southeast neighborhood on April 4, they found that few of the...

SULLUM: Shoot first and think later

“Why’d you shoot me?” Amy Hughes, screaming and bleeding, asked Officer Andrew Kisela after he fired four rounds at her through a chain link...

ELDER: If Laura Ingraham goes down for ‘bullying,’ you’re next

What did Fox News’ Laura Ingraham say that cost her advertisers?About David Hogg, the teenage Parkland, Florida, high school shooting survivor, Fox’s Ingraham tweeted:...

CHAPMAN: For the Department of Veterans Affairs, a Trump toady

Donald Trump has many regrettable qualities, but seldom do they come together in such perfect concert as in his nomination of Dr. Ronny Jackson...

ESTRICH: Census questions matter for allocation of resources

Every day is its own cable news show.I’m not talking about MSNBC or Fox News. I’m talking about the White House network: the place...

WILLIAMS: ‘Discrimination and Disparities’ book worth the read

I don’t mind saying that this column represents a grossly understated review of “Discrimination and Disparities,” just published by my longtime friend and colleague...

HART: Tiger: Finding his way out of the woods

AUGUSTA, G.A. Tiger Woods, who become his own cautionary tale, makes his biggest pitch for a redemptive comeback this week — and what better...

A SHARP LIFE: The pros and cons of being an only child

This Tuesday marks one of the more overrated and annoying National Day celebrations of the entire year — National Siblings Day.If you’ve got siblings...