BBB Tip: Joining a gym or purchasing at-home equipment? Avoid new year fraud in...

The beginning of a new year is often associated with increased interest in gym memberships, at-home workout equipment and programs designed around living a...

BBB Scam Alert: Beware of health care cons during open enrollment

It’s that time of year when open enrollment is available for health care plans through,, and individual employers. Unfortunately, scammers take advantage...

BBB Scam Alert: Watch out for phony personalized products on social media

A personalized item might seem like the perfect present; however, last-minute shoppers should look out for misleading ads on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok promoting...

BBB Tip: A shopper’s guide to buying products made in the USA

According to a Consumer Reports survey, nearly 80% of United States shoppers would rather buy an American-made product over an imported one if given...

The Naughty List: BBB’s 12 scams of Christmas

While 2021 is quickly winding down, scams targeting the public continue to cause trouble. Consumers should watch out for any fraudulent schemes aimed at...

BBB Business Tip: Holiday marketing ideas to boost brand engagement

Based on last year’s data, small businesses experienced a 26.6% increase in sales from online shopping over the holidays. So, what does that mean...

BBB Business Tip: How to use social media to skyrocket Cyber Monday sales

The holiday shopping season is here, and your social media presence matters now more than ever. If you’re a small business owner searching for...

BBB Tip: How to shop Black Friday sales

Black Friday, traditionally the single busiest shopping day of the year, is set to begin on Friday, Nov. 26 of this year. Experts are...

BBB Tip: Protecting America’s veterans from conniving con artists

Before President Eisenhower’s proclamation establishing Veterans Day in 1954, Nov. 11 was known as Armistice Day, a celebration acknowledging the end of fighting during...

BBB Business Tip: Branding ideas every small business should consider

When it comes to branding, simply creating a logo or slogan is not enough. Branding is a strategic, long-term approach that helps small businesses...