HART: Trump’s McDonald’s troll: Dems seek to establish a no-fry zone

Trump highlighted Kamala’s unsubstantiated claim that she worked at McDonald’s by going to work at the fry station at a Pennsylvania McDonald’s. In his patented way of breaking through and around the mainstream media hatred of him with an act of swashbuckling showmanship, Trump scored a political win with this stunt.

Trump famously loves McDonald’s. Maybe the Dems should applaud Trump going to McDonald’s again. After two impeachments, manufactured arrests and show trials, media assaults and failed assassination attempts, Dems are pretty much down to hoping clogged arteries take him out.

Democrat surrogate Sean (“P. Diddy”) Combs differs from Trump; he is more of a Burger King man. If you go to a P. Diddy party and ingest anything, in about an hour you’re going to “have it his way.”

Trump likes McDonald’s and identifies with the working class. It seems odd for an entitled New York billionaire, but he does. The Internet is suggesting that Kamala must do something to try to match Trump’s successful McDonald’s campaign event. It burnished Trump’s brand; to match him, you wonder if Kamala will do Five Guys.

The left dismisses the very clear lie that she worked at McDonald’s. It is such a simple question, one easy to verify, and it is journalistic malpractice that the media have not asked Kamala at which McDonald’s she worked.

Attempts to verify her employment, or presenting anyone that she ever supposedly worked with at McDonald’s, have not happened to date. Present us with a W2. It was just 30- something years ago. The state of California also withheld their ample taxes; the state could verify. It was a lie. The media are uninterested in the truth about Kamala.

Kamala, who is a San Francisco liberal elite, came up with the McDonald’s employment story to make herself seem palatable. Yet McDonald’s was not on her resume’ on any government job applications in her long “public service” history.

Maybe she did work there, and because of involvement with Mayor McCheese she got one of those “no show” jobs that connected politicians get in San Francisco.

No matter. This has become a political problem for her, so much so that the “Deep State” is circling the wagons around Kamala’s dubious claim. I fully expect that 51 intelligence officials will sign a petition saying that they have intel that she did work at McDonald’s in 1990.

I get her grift. Goldman Sachs and many other smart employers have metrics that determined that there is a recurring theme among successful people: They worked their way during or through school.

When I filled out the job application for Goldman Sachs, I had to put down my experience as a fry cook at the Dairy Queen in Columbia, TN. I worked for the owners, two gay guys who lived in a mobile home behind the Dairy Queen. I learned a lot from them: work ethic and tolerance and counting change back all day got me quicker at math.

Goldman valued people who had to work while attending school. It melded well with “book learning,” as they called it back when I attended school. Having made fries at the Dairy Queen for years while simultaneously attending school, I could talk Socrates and Plato with an enhanced appreciation of Ancient Grease.

Soon after being hired at Goldman, the 30 of us in my hiring class went into training. In our first meeting, someone from HR came in and took one of the new hires out with her. We never saw him again; he was fired on the spot. He had lied on his resume’ about something seemingly small, like that he had a minor in economics from Yale. A trivial lie, but a lie. The room full of Ivy League grads got very nervous. One asked me why I was so calm. I asked him, “Who would lie about having graduated from Memphis State?”

Trump seemed to fit right in working at that McDonald’s in Pennsylvania. He would have been Employee of the Month, until human resources wrote him up for talking about Arnold Palmer in the shower.

When he left McDonald’s, he promised, if elected, to fix the ice cream machine and make Taco Bell pay for it.