GUEST VIEW: Church gives back following social media attack

Last week, a political group supporting some incumbents in our local city council elections published hateful and untrue things about Connection Christian Church as a tactic to gain political traction. We as leaders at Connection are saddened by attacking churches for political gain, and more so for the hurt that this type of disingenuous rhetoric causes. Despite the lies, they did get two things right about our church.

One, we really do work to be a positive presence here in our community, partnering with local charities and nonprofits and other faith communities in acts of service. And two, we do welcome all of God’s people to come to the Lord’s table together when we worship. It is a founding principle of who we are: we firmly believe that the unity of Christ’s body and God’s amazing grace means all of us who seek to follow Jesus can worship together, even when our beliefs differ individually. So, we are a diverse congregation, embodying diverse theological perspectives, political party affiliations, views on abortion, sexual orientations, and even sports team affiliations. For 118 years, our congregation has prayed and worked to be a blessing to our community — to ALL of the people of our community.

But because “what some intended for harm, God intended for good”, we will be donating $954 (one dollar on behalf of each person who reacted to, commented on, or shared that cruel post as of today) to the West Texas Crisis Center in honor of October’s Domestic Violence Awareness month. Whether their interaction was negative or championing Christ’s hospitality and love, we value each one as a child of God. This month especially, may those of us in positions of authority — in the home, in government buildings, with large online audiences — be aware of how our words affect the most vulnerable among us.

Rev. Dr. Dawn Weaks, pastor

Rev. Dr. Joe Weaks, pastor

Joni Hires, church moderator

Susan Paddack, outreach chair

Connection Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

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