Golf tourney raises money for local nonprofits

The Halliburton Charitable Foundation has successfully raised a record-breaking $4 million through this year’s Halliburton Charity Golf Tournament. As a result, over 100 nonprofits have been selected to receive funding, with many receiving at least $50,000 each.

These nonprofits span across the country, including seven nonprofits in the Midland/Odessa area:

  • Basin Dream Center For Orphans
  • High Sky Children’s Ranch
  • Midland Habitat For Humanity
  • Permian Basin Adult Literacy Center, Inc.
  • Redirection Outreach Program Efforts For Youth
  • Sharing Hands A Respite Experience Inc.
  • Harmony Home Children’s Advocacy Center Inc. (Odessa)

The tournament will take place on Oct. 2 in Kingwood. For charities wanting to apply next year, the application opens in November 2024. They would like to encourage more nonprofits to apply — regardless of size.