Peter saved from death to finish work

Story of miraculous escape encourages faith in God

This is French artist Gustave Dore’s depiction of the Apostle Peter’s escape from prison with the help of an angel. Dore lived from 1832-83. (Courtesy Photo)

The Apostle Peter’s miraculous escape from prison and a death sentence in Acts 12:3-19 probably amazed him as much as it did King Herod, his captors and the friends who had been praying earnestly for his release.

The Revs. Mark Roossinck and Tim O’Neal say an angel tapped Peter on his side and exclaimed, “Quick, get up!” as the chains fell off the apostle’s wrists, then said, “Put on your clothes and sandals. Wrap your cloak around you and follow me.”

They passed the guards and went out through an iron gate that opened by itself and the angel left Peter when they had walked the length of a street.

“The first thing this story tells us is that our supernatural God can do anything whether it be in the early church or today,” said the Rev. Roossinck, pastor of Westover Baptist Church. “I think Peter simply accepted whatever God would do for him whether it be deliverance or death at the hands of Herod.

“I don’t think he was absolutely certain what would happen and he was very surprised when the angel woke him up and the chains fell off.”

Roossinck said the story also illustrates the power of prayer.

“Prayer was a critical practice in the church at that time when people got together in unity and harmony and in humble submission asked God that his will be done,” he said. “It goes along with James 5:16, which says, ‘The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.’

“God wasn’t done with Peter yet. He had more for him to accomplish with his ministry and influence. This is an amazing supernatural thing that God could still do today if he chose to.”

The Rev. O’Neal, pastor of Refuge Ministries, said it is unknown what angel freed Peter.

“There were four squads of four guards each standing watch over him and yet God made a way for him to walk right out of there,” O’Neal said. “Regardless of what the circumstance is, you can always trust in God to deliver you.

“All the believers had gathered around and were praying for Peter’s release. It could have been any angel.”

He said the apostle was shocked by what was happening, but he had been so at peace about his situation and its outcome that he was sleeping soundly and initially thought he was dreaming when the angel appeared.

“When we pray for God to intercede on our behalf, he often does so in a way we are not expecting,” O’Neal said. “Peter had peace of mind knowing God was in control.

“He was sleeping like Jesus was sleeping in the boat before he stood up and told the wind to be silent and the sea to quiet down.”

He said Peter was rescued because he was one of the foundational people for building God’s church and he still had important work to do.

“He knocked at the door where all the believers were gathered and the servant girl Rhoda recognized his voice and called to the others, ‘Hey, Peter is standing at the front door right now!’

“And they said, ‘You are out of your mind.’”