LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Joven needs to be voted out of office

Ever since Javier Joven decided to run, I knew something was off about his campaign. Partisanship on the council was advertised, but corruption was not. However, I think partisanship on a nonpartisan council also advertises corruption in the future. Therefore, shocking is not the word I would be using to describe the fruits of council leadership currently.

That all being said, I wish to bring one particular issue I have found concerning as of late, among many. Joven says that he ran for the seat of mayor to make the city repent. Understanding that his religious affiliation is reflected in politics, I am also not shocked by this. However, that does not mean I am not at all disappointed by the statement.

I, Zachary Pfalzgraf, am a member of the religiously non-affiliated community within this city. Being that as it may, I repent to and worship nothing. I want to make it clear that Joven, and others like him, do not speak for me and those like me. Even though this is the case, there are things that are common, regardless of political and religious affiliation.

Our water crisis affects all, just as much as our garbage trucks and bond rating. I believe Cal Hendrick can handle this better than Joven. If one has the focus of promoting religion instead of solving the issues that affect all, then that one needs to be given the boot. I will be happy when we give Joven the boot.

It is high time that we become united and uproot the partisan corruption we have been seeing. It is also high time that we uproot religion from the governance of our city. We have the separation of the church and government for a reason, let’s practice that and make a city we are proud of. Let’s support Cal Hendrick and Craig Stoker in their mission and vision for the future. I also urge the people of my district to fight to keep Steven Thompson.

Let’s solve our common problems with common solutions together, as a united front against inaction.

Zachary Pfalzgraf
