Ector County Felony Dispositions: May 10, 2024

The following is a list of recent first and second-degree felony dispositions from the Ector County District Clerk’s Office.

Patrick Bourgeois. Manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance. Pleaded guilty. Five years deferred adjudication. 300 hours community service.

Travis Adam Brown. Aggravated assault, two counts. Unlawful restraint. Dismissed. Pleaded guilty to possession of a control substance. Four years Texas Department of Corrections.

Ruben Martinez. Online solicitation of a minor/sexual conduct. Pleaded guilty. Eight years probation. 480 hours community service. Must register as sex offender.

Nathaniel Ochoa. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Dismissed. Pleaded guilty to unauthorized use of a vehicle, evading arrest, possession of a controlled substance. 10 years Texas Department of Corrections.

Manuel Olivas. Aggravated sexual assault. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Dismissed. Pleaded guilty to continuous violence against family member. Five years TDOC.

Irashel Rogers. Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Pleaded guilty. Five years deferred adjudication. 300 hours community service.