Law enforcement increasing patrols for ’no refusal’ Labor Day weekend

The Odessa Police Department, along with the Texas Department of Public Safety, ECISD School District Police Department, UTPB University Police Department, Medical Center Hospital’s KEY Program, and the Ector County District Attorney’s Office, will enforce a “no refusal” Labor Day weekend for September 1-3. This multi-agency enforcement effort aims to reduce DWI-related traffic crashes in the area, a press release said.

Participating law enforcement agencies will coordinate their efforts to increase patrols in and around Odessa. During the no-refusal period, motorists arrested for driving while intoxicated and served with a search warrant will be required to submit to evidentiary blood draws.

In 2022, there were 686 alcohol-related crashes in the Odessa District that resulted in 66 deaths and 64 serious injuries, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

All participating agencies would like to remind the public to plan ahead and make travel arrangements before they start drinking. Designate a sober driver or call a driver service to get you to your event and back home safely. Never let your friends drink and drive or ride with an intoxicated driver.