All about the greens

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By United Supermarkets Dietitian Team

Spring is just around the corner! During the spring, we definitely see more green. But, what about the green we are seeing on out plate? Let’s talk about these 5 green spring veggies and their benefits.

1. Asparagus: Asparagus is high in vitamins A, C, and K. This vegetable is often prepared via baking, roasting or grilling, but it is also common that asparagus is canned or jarred. A great way to get asparagus into your diet is by roasting it along with baby tomatoes, garlic cloves, and Italian seasoning then tossing it together as a side.

2. Parsley (flat leaf): Flat leaf parsley is one of the two most common types of parsley, the other being French curly-leaf parsley. Parsley is a flowering plant that originated in the Mediterranean. It has been used to treat high blood pressure, inflammatory diseases, and allergies due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Parsley offers a fantastic amount of vitamin A. It can be used fresh or as a dried spice to season and/or garnish dishes. The flavor is mild and bitter. Try it freshly chopped and sprinkled over pizza or chicken parmesan and pasta.

3. Artichoke: the heart of the artichoke is what is used most often, but the leaves hold flavor too! After roasting artichokes in the oven with olive oil and seasalt, let them cool and simply drag the leaves between your teeth. The meat of the plant will come out and you get delicious flavor plus multiple minerals such as folate, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

4. Peas: Peas are part of the legume food group. They contain carotenoids just like carrots do, but these carotenoids are lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients promote eye health. Peas also have coumestrol which is a nutrient that helps protect against stomach cancer. Enjoy peas frozen, canned, or fresh peas in rice, soups, casseroles, or salads.

5. Spinach: This power-veggie has an impressive protein to size ratio (4:1). Spinach provides up to 3g of protein per one half cup of spinach. It also contains high amounts of minerals such as iron, magnesium, and vitamins C and A. Enjoy this vegetable fresh in salads, frozen in meat loafs or patties, or in a smoothie.

A variety of vegetables is always best, since each vegetable will provide different benefits. The more colorful your plate is, the better! The best way to boost your immune system and provide sustainable energy is to color your plate. Let’s do so this spring together at Market Street!

Spring is here and so are the flavors. This light and fresh dish is perfectly paired for a quick weeknight side dish.

Spring Greens and Grains

What You Need

1/2 cup Lundberg wild rice, dry

1 bunch Asparagus

2 cups Snap peas

1/4 cup Cranberries

1/4 cup Pecans

1/4 cup Bolthouse dressing

How It’s Made

1. Cook rice according to package’s instructions.

2. Cut ends of asparagus and then cut again in half.

3. Cook asparagus and snap peas in pan to get a light browning on them.

4. Mix the rice and vegetables together in a bowl with cranberries, pecans, and dressing.