Pfluger introduces natural gas bill

WASHINGTON Congressman August Pfluger (TX-11) announced on Wednesday he introduced H.R. 484, the Natural Gas Repeal Act, to strike the Natural Gas Tax imposed by President Joe Biden in the Inflation Expansion Act.

New fees or taxes on energy companies will raise costs for customers, creating a burden that will fall most heavily on lower-income Americans. The Permian Basin Petroleum Association, and the Texas Public Policy Foundation Life:Powered project released statements in support of the bill:

Pfluger stated in the press release: “President Biden’s promise to end Fossil Fuels — and ensuing actions to cripple the American energy industry — are hurting American families. I am proud to stand up for the Permian Basin by introducing legislation to strike the President’s new harmful natural gas tax that will drive up the cost of household energy bills and make inflation even worse.”

Ben Shepperd, President of PBPA, stated in the press release: “Congressman Pfluger continues to fight for the American people, the American economy and American energy security. Worldwide demand for natural gas continues to grow and the American people, our economy and even the world’s environment, are better off when domestic natural gas production is supported by those in Washington, D.C. This Act does just that.”

Jason Isaac, Director of Life:Powered at TPPF, stated in the press release: “Life:Powered applauds Rep. Pfluger on his efforts to repeal the Methane Tax created by the Inflation Reduction Act. 32% of Americans have paid a utility bill late in the past six months and imposing a Methane Tax couldn’t happen at a worse time. Repealing this burdensome home heating and stovetop cooking tax will prevent another unnecessary cost from being imposed on Americans struggling to make ends meet.”