The United Family presents CMN Hospitals with check for more than $103,000

On June 16, The United Family presented Children’s Miracle Network with a check for $103,199.52, a press release detailed.

The funds were raised in a company-wide donate-at-the register campaign in May.

The donate-at-the-register campaign ran in stores across Texas and New Mexico, including United Supermarkets, Market Street, Albertsons Market and Amigos.

As with past donate-at-the-register campaigns, guests were able to add any dollar amount to their grocery bill at checkout. The money will go directly to support the Children’s Miracle Network hospital in the community where the funds were raised.

As an organization, Children’s Miracle Network’s mission is to increase funds and awareness for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. The organization raises funds for 170 children’s hospitals that support the health of 10 million kids each year across the U.S. and Canada.

“We know when communities and partners unite in our mission to improve the health and wellbeing for all children our impact grows exponentially,” Teri Nestel, President & CEO of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, stated in the press release. “When we can change kids’ health, we can change the future – for all of us.”

“The United Family is extraordinarily blessed and thankful to have guests who are generous and recognize the importance of the work that Children’s Miracle Network does across our communities,” Chris James, COO of The United Family, stated in the press release. “We know these funds will truly make a difference in the lives of children and families all across Texas and New Mexico.”

The check presentation occurred as team members with The United Family gathered at University Medical Center in Lubbock, Texas. University Medical Center is a Children’s Miracle Network hospital for the South Plains.