BBB Warning: Beware of unsolicited offers for free roof inspections

With the recent batch of foul weather that has struck the state of Texas, many homeowners are turning their attention to their homes and the state of their roofs. When searching for a reputable roofing company during the recovery phase after a natural disaster or any other time, it is vital to remain aware of the risks of accepting an unsolicited, free roof inspection.

Spring in Texas often brings the challenges of hailstorms and high-wind storms to residents’ doorsteps. While recovering from a hailstorm that struck Central Texas in April 2021, one Austin resident met with a less than ethical company that showed the homeowner pictures of their hail-damaged roof after completing a free roof inspection. Despite the aggressive tactics of the representative, the homeowner insisted on having their roof inspected by their insurance company before agreeing to repairs.

“When the adjuster from my insurance company examined my roof, she said it was like new and had no hail damage,” the resident reported to BBB Scam Tracker. “After the insurance adjuster showed me photos of my roof, it was clear that the representative from [the roofing company] had shown me photos of a different roof that was the same color as my own.”

Like storm chasers, free roof inspection scams take advantage of homeowners who need immediate repairs in the aftermath of damaging weather patterns. When questioned on where their business is located or how their services work, the homeowner will often receive vague, noncommittal responses. These companies will also hire individuals from the local workforce and fail to compensate them for their time, impacting not only homeowners but also the local workforce.

Better Business Bureau recommends homeowners in need of roofing repairs follow these guidelines to avoid roofing scams:

Beware of unsolicited inspections. Free roof inspection scams often begin with a contractor who “happens to be in the area” and notices a roof is in disrepair. Often, they will comment that they have just finished a job in the area and would like to perform a cursory inspection of your roof, with no commitment required on the homeowner’s part. BBB strongly recommends asking several questions to establish a company’s credibility, such as “Where is your business headquartered?” or “How long has your business been working in this area?” Be sure to inquire about their accreditation status with BBB, and don’t just take their word for it.

Use insurance companies for roof inspections. Before signing any paperwork or contracts with a roofing company, request an inspection from your home insurance company to verify the need for repairs or replacements. Filing an insurance claim for roofing repairs will be noted on your insurance record and may impact future claims or continued coverage.

Research before you hire. Before contracting a roofing company, check for previous complaints other consumers might have had. Reputable roofing companies should have before and after pictures of previous projects to demonstrate their credibility and craft. With a median cost of around $8,000 for a roofing project, it is essential to spend the time to research a chosen business before signing any paperwork.

See for more tips to ensure you are hiring ethical contractors for home repairs or renovations.

If you have encountered a roofing scam, report it to BBB Scam Tracker. Information provided may prevent another person from falling victim.