Commissioner set to hear presentations from sheriff’s, district attorney’s office

The Ector County Sheriff’s Office and Ector County District Attorney’s Office are scheduled to speak to the Ector County Commissioner’s Court on Tuesday morning.

The court is set to meet at 10 a.m. with ECSO expected to speak during the special presentation section to open the meeting, while the attorney’s office will talk during the personnel request portion of the meeting.

According to the agenda, ECSO will ask the commissioner’s to consider, discuss and take any necessary action regarding the relocation expenses for any and all Ector County Sheriff’s Office staff. ECSO will also ask commissioners to consider, discuss and take any necessary action regarding the purchase of ID scanner for patrol and crime scene laser scanners for investigative purposes.

Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis spoke with the Odessa American on Monday morning about his Tuesday presentation. He said he wants to put together relocation packages to help staff ECSO.

“There’s a detention facility in Post that’s closing down in April and we are going to go up there and try to recruit some of those individuals,” Griffis said. “We are going to offer a relocation package to help those individuals. We are going to get them to sign a commitment to give a number of years of service before we give them the relocation package.”

The district attorney’s office will ask commissioners to consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding a stipend for individuals performing additional duties while the office is operating with a reduced number of attorneys.

Ector County Emergency Management Coordinator Rickey George will also speak with commissioners about considering, discussing and taking any necessary action regarding a burn ban in Ector County based on drought conditions.

The court will also:

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action on a presentation by Betenbough Homes regarding a subdivision that they are considering building.

>> Accept the resignation of Tenisha Muhammad and approve the appointment of Wesley Burnett to serve on the Ector County Library Advisory Board and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding the appointment of B.A. Jinadu M.D., MPH as Local Health Authority for the Ector County Health Department (ECHD) and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss, and approve repairing a fence and gate damaged during the expansion of Cottonwood Road in Gardendale, Ector County, Texas (Precinct 2) and authorize the County Judge to sign all documents associated with this agenda item.

>> Consider awarding, rejecting, or taking any necessary action regarding the proposal for vending machine services and authorize the County Judge to sign all documents associated with this agenda item.

>> Consider, discuss, approve, reject the awards regarding road construction material and authorize the County Judge to sign all documents associated with this agenda item.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding Change Order #5 for Moss Mill & Overlay; and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding Change Order #7 for Cottonwood Road Improvements; and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider approving, rejecting, discussing, and taking any necessary action regarding the proposal from Kofile Technologies Inc., for the 2022 Project for the Archival Imaging and Preservation of District Clerk Records, with Kofile’s TXMAS Contract No. TXMAS-18-3602, and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action regarding starting pay for Health

Inspector/Sanitarian (Non-licensed) at a Step 3 and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action on a Proposed Ector County MHRC Development to serve 1123 S Moss Avenue 7.99 acre lot located in Madrid Subdivision, Block 1, Lots 1 and 2, Ector County, Texas (Precinct 1) and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Consider, discuss, and take any necessary action on a Replat of Lot 3, Block 8, Pleasant Farms Subdivision a subdivision of 4.69 acres in Section 37, Block 43, T-3-S, T&P RY. Co. Survey, Ector County, Texas (Precinct 4) and authorize the County Judge to sign.

>> Review, consider, discuss, approve, and take any necessary action regarding the following proposed Consent Agenda:

>> Consider, discuss, and approve a line item transfer to General Fund, Non Departmental, County Legal Fees, 001-320-5334 from Other General Expense, 001-950-5402 for $20,000.

>> Consider, discuss, and approve a line item transfer to General Fund, Sheriff, Special Department Equipment, 001-360-5507 from radio repairs, 001-360-5250 for $18,735.

>> Consider and approve the Accounts Payable Fund Requirements Report for March 22, 2022, to review county financial statements and reports.

>> Consider and discuss legal matters pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 551, Section 551.071, Texas Government Code.

>> Consider and discuss real estate issues/transactions pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 551, Section 551.072, Texas Government Code.

>> Consider and discuss personnel matters pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 551, Section 551.074, Texas Government Code.

>> Consider and discuss personnel matters (relating to and resulting from the retirement of the Maintenance Director, including the vacancy and the filling of said vacancy) pursuant to Title 5, Chapter 551, Section 551.074, Texas Government Code.