Landgraf endorsed by Texas State Rifle Association PAC

State Rep. Brooks Landgraf (R-Odessa) has been endorsed for re-election to the Texas House of Representatives by the Texas State Rifle Association (TSRA) Political Action Committee, a press release detailed.

“As state representative, I swore an oath to preserve and protect the U.S. Constitution and the Texas Constitution,” Landgraf stated in the press release. “I take that oath seriously, and have endeavored to take every opportunity to defend the constitutional rights of Texans as a result. It’s an honor to have TSRA’s endorsement based on my work to preserve and protect Second Amendment rights here in Texas.”

TSRA is considered the premier firearms association in Texas, with tens of thousands of members from across the state, including individuals from all walks of life who have a common goal in protecting the rights of the law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. The TSRA Political Action Committee works to educate elected officials, the media, and the general public about issues relating to the freedoms guaranteed by the Second Amendment and the Texas Constitution.

“Representative Landgraf has fought for the Second Amendment rights of Texans since the moment he first took the oath of office,” TSRA executive director Dianna Greenwood stated in the press release. “He’s a leader in the Texas House, especially when it comes to the constitutional rights of Texans. TSRA is proud to endorse Representative Landgraf for re-election knowing full well he will continue to defend our constitutional right to bear arms in Texas.”

During the 2021 Texas legislative session, Landgraf supported efforts to expand the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Texans by co-authoring House Bill 2622 to make Texas a Second Amendment sanctuary state and supported House Bill 1927, also known as “Constitutional Carry.” Both bills were signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott.

“I’ll continue standing strong for the right of law-abiding Texans to be able to defend themselves and protect their families,” Landgraf stated in the press release. “Texas now has some of the strongest 2A protections in the nation. I’m proud to live in a state where freedom and personal responsibility are prioritized, and I’ll keep working hard to make sure it stays that way.”