Council to hear fire station construction update

Odessa Fire Rescue Chief John Alvarez is scheduled to speak to the Odessa City Council about an update on Fire Station Nos. 6 and 9.

The update will happen at 3 p.m. Tuesday on the fifth floor of City Hall in the City Council Chambers located at 411 W. Eighth St.

The groundbreaking for Fire Station No. 9 began on April 15 as a previous Odessa American article detailed the state-of-the-art facility would cost nearly $6 million with it being funded with 2019 Certificates of Obligation bond dollars.

On Aug. 16, a groundbreaking ceremony was held for Fire Station No. 6 at the southwest corner of Pembroke Street and Grandview Avenue.

City Manager Michael Marrero will speak about the consideration of having one city council meeting for the month of December as the second meeting would occur during the holiday week.

Odessa Traffic Operations Superintendent Hal Feldman is set to discuss multiple items including consider changes to modify Section 12-2-5 – (One-Way Streets and Alleys) of the City Code 4, consider approval of a PSA with Newton Engineering, PC for designs of 31st Street and Tanglewood Lane roadway reconstructions and consider approval of a PSA with Landgraf, Crutcher and Associates for design of Crane Avenue reconstruction.

The changes to modify Section 12-2-5 – (One-Way Streets and Alleys) of the City Code 4 would be concerning the alley east of Tom Green Avenue on the north side of University Boulevard. There is a distance issue for southbound drivers in the alley attempting to enter University Boulevard. It is proposed to make this a one-way northbound alley to eliminate this traffic condition.

For the consideration of approval for the 31st Street and Tanglewood Lane roadway reconstructions and the Crane Avenue reconstruction, the work would be for reconstructing the existing pavement, replace broken curb, install concrete alley approaches and install concrete valley gutters for proper drainage.

City of Odessa Assistant City Manager Phillip Urrutia is scheduled to speak about consider purchase of three side load refuse trucks  for solid waste and consider purchase of two automated side load refuse trucks for solid waste.

The price for the three side load refuse trucks for solid waste is set at $836,019, which would include a Houston-Galveston Area Council purchase fee. The price for the two automated side load refuse trucks would be $762,914. According to the agenda provided by the City of Odessa, the last automated truck added to the fleet was in 2020.